Monday 29 January 2018

3 Important Lessons for Smartphone Internet Marketing

Utilizing it’s Unique Limitations- the Smartphone as a Digital Springboard

It is clear to see that smartphone technology is here to stay. But while these devices offer quick solutions for many daily tasks, they can be frustrating to use. A big limitation is size. People simply can’t use a mobile phone to do any serious web research, word processing, or any other major task because of the size of both the screen and the keypad. This seems to throw a wrench into web design and usability as designers must strip a site’s content to a bare minimum for for it to be smartphone friendly. So how should internet marketing companies direct their strategy marketing approach when it comes to smartphones?

Well, the trending tendency for smartphone usage does not have to be stifled by its limitation. According to a study conducted by Google, Ipsos, and Sterling Brands, of all the various devices people are frequenting, smartphones are used in the shortest bursts. However, these bursts (approximately 17 minutes on average) occur in the greatest frequency. Additionally, this study found that of any device, the smartphone is widely used as a springboard for other devices, which makes smartphone marketing all the more important. They cited examples of people searching for a movie or a website on their smartphone and then turning to their pc or laptop to watch it or experience the full site. And herein lies the key to a successful interactive marketing plan that encompasses the full spectrum of devices – starting with smartphone internet marketing.

Ultimately, this study has the following applications internet marketing companies and the way they do web design and content writing:

  • Content and design should be simple enough to catch interest on a smartphone
  •  Content and design should be complicated enough to hold interest on a larger screen device (pc, laptop, etc.)
  • The simplicity and complexity should be integrated so that a user will be drawn further into experiencing a site (from their smartphone first, to their larger device later)

Rumor has it that Google will be further integrating the ability for users to continue searches started on smartphones after they have already begun on larger devices. If you are looking to draw people to your site through the use of their smart phones, consider thinking of your marketing strategy in this way:

Give them a good preview that will entice them to later return to the site on a larger device.

For further information:



The post 3 Important Lessons for Smartphone Internet Marketing appeared first on Farotech.


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