Wednesday 31 January 2018

Search Engine Optimization Best Practices: Google Doesn’t Like Cheaters (Video)

SEO is an acronym meaning “Search Engine Optimization,” which is comprised of both internal and external strategies. The internal process of getting higher rankings makes up 15% or more of the SEO approach. The external SEO techniques, on the other hand, use backlinking though social media sites, press releases, blogs, and other articles to gain higher placement on SERPs.

Internal SEO is at times frowned upon for “cheating.” The practices that internal SEO uses to get higher rankings can be, in a sense, artificial. In essence, Google is looking not just for a higher quantity of links that point to your website, but for more relevant content (quality). Google wants people to not just get results, but to get the results that they are actually looking for and that are helpful for them.

So you’re probably wondering how to live up to Google’s standards when it comes to search engine optimization best practices. Well, what better way to make your site more relevant than through the very things that people are already sharing via social media? In fact, backlinking is slowly phasing out altogether as social media is gaining prominence in SEO strategies.

This includes:

· Likes
· Shares
· Tweets
· Reddits
· 1+ (Google’s favorite)

So the emphasis should not only be on people visiting these social media sites, but also on their inclination to start a conversation while navigating these conduits for digital marketing.

A Content King Needs Loyal Subjects

According to Ken Krogue of Forbes, “great content is king, and communities of avid followers make the king.” There are social media sites that may have great content to link to your website, but what good is great content without followers to read it? With recent policy changes, fake followers are detected easily and will not give you visible results. Getting “shares” on social media sites cannot be faked. So focus on attracting an audience that wants to talk about your company, and in the process, you will gain fantastic rankings.

How can you, as an entrepreneur, comply to this massive shift in SEO best practices toward social media strength?

Here are 5 Easy Practices to Remember:

  1. Put time and effort into relevant content that your audience actually wants
  2. Focus on adding value for your audience, which will also help your rankings
  3. Implement internal SEO so that your great content can actually be found
  4. Start the conversation: if people are not talking about and interacting with your content, then it is not worth your time and energy
  5. Build your social media followers through compelling PR and real content that does not reek of spam

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SEO 101: Tips for Marketing Beginners

Don’t be too intimidated by the challenge of SEO – it’s simpler than you may think, and you can start today.

You’ve just discovered the wonder of SEO, and whether you’re a small business owner with a new website, or perhaps redesigning your current marketing strategy, web-based marketing is your new best friend.

The fact is, if you’re not taking advantage of web-based marketing, you’re bound to miss out on a world of opportunity for your business. Starting out with SEO, however, is definitely a big endeavor and is enough to scare most business owners away on day 1.

But fear not! Before you pull out that SEO for dummies book, let us give you some game-changing SEO advice. At Farotech, we get what it’s like to dip your toe into SEO for the first time, and the water doesn’t always feel great. That’s why we work hard to make it easy for you, with some SEO 101 tips that are crucial to know when getting started.

SEO 101 Tips: Back to the Basics

Web-based marketing itself can be a strange concept to anyone who doesn’t know the industry; how on earth am I supposed to make my company get people’s attention with so many millions and millions of companies already on the web?

Enter Search Engine Optimization, which basically gives you ways to fine-tune your website to better appear on Google, and return higher rankings.

And that’s the basics. Simpler than you thought? We thought so.

SEO Tips: Keywords – the Building Blocks of SEO

SEO is built on a foundation of thorough research, which is easy enough to do on your own, though enlisting a capable marketing firm will significantly streamline the process.

When doing SEO, the primary research you do is on keywords, essentially “hot-button” search terms for which your ideal customer (also known as your buyer persona) will likely search.

Your ideal keywords will match two main criteria. Effective keywords will be:

  1. relevant to your company’s products and/or services
  2. based on search terms that people are already using

A trap many people fall into is creating keywords that are too general, for fear of winding up in a rut. In other words, a fine woodworker in Portland, Oregon might choose keywords such as “fine woodworking,” and as a result won’t actually attract any attention to his business. Instead, he could use a keyword such as “fine woodworker near Portland,” as a way to catch the attention of people searching specifically in his area.

Here, we find where you can get creative with SEO, and it can be a ton of fun for people who are new to web-based marketing. You’ll quickly discover what’s unique about your business, and how SEO provides ways to let that uniqueness shine!

Don’t Go It Alone

If there’s one final Search Engine Optimization tip we can give you, it would be to avoid taking on such a task alone. Having Farotech on your side could be the leg-up you need, so don’t hesitate to contact us today – we’ll gladly work with you no matter what step you’re on. Visit our website for more SEO 101 tips, and all the resources you’ll need!

The post SEO 101: Tips for Marketing Beginners appeared first on Farotech.


How to Keep Your Business Open 24/7: Ecommerce Web Development

In a world where everything and everyone is linked to the Internet, brick-and-mortar storefronts are losing business to online suppliers. If you are a retailer, there is real money to be made in Ecommerce because shoppers are shopping…and they’re doing it online! By building your brand’s Internet presence and learning to use your site to generate sales, you can actually gain access to a broader clientele base and in essence, you can keep the “doors” to your business open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Once your Ecommerce web development is complete, you can continue to build on that foundation and expand your online store at minimal maintenance costs.

ecommerce_web_developmentBest Practices for Ecommerce Web Development

  1. Offer Full Disclosure-

    Customers shopping online want to know what they are buying and they prefer to have details. One of the best ways to assure them in their decision to buy a product is to tell them every detail about it. Showing its size, weight, functions, colors, etc. will show the buyer that they are making the right choice and the added assurance they get from shopping with you may also bring them back to your site in the future for new orders.

  2. Confirm All Costs with the Customer-

    People are very sensitive when it comes to matters of money. They need to know exactly how much money they are going to owe and exactly what they are paying for before they confirm an order. One of the greatest ways to drive people away is to hide costs from them (such as shipping or taxes). Ask your Ecommerce web development company how you can make these extra costs clearly visible as early as possible in the checkout process.

  3. Make Your Customers Feel Secure-

    Security is one of the most important factors of successful Ecommerce web development. Your system should ensure the security of your customers’ personal and financial information. The use of SSL (Security Socket Layer) is a good practice and will give potential customers the peace of mind they need in order to shop on your site.

  4. Make Life Easy for the Customer-

    Forcing customers to jump through hoops to buy from you is only going to frustrate people and deter business. Modern buyers are turned away by any difficulties they have to endure during a transaction or even by extra steps they have to take in order to complete an order. Anyone should be able to buy from you with ease and without having to provide any information that is unnecessary to the process. Unless you are a membership site, in which case it is justifiable to have a few extra steps, make life easy for your customers and they will willingly shop!

Ecommerce web development is certainly a necessity for retailers in this modern age. People want to buy online, so why not let them? They are going to buy from someone and it might as well be you! As long as you make the process simple and secure for them, they will buy from you and probably return again in the future as well. If you need help implementing a professional and affordable Ecommerce web development project, Farotech can help. Our web design team can create a custom site to match your brand and proudly display your products!



The post How to Keep Your Business Open 24/7: Ecommerce Web Development appeared first on Farotech.


Perfect SEO Websites: How to Choose an Optimized Domain Name

When choosing a domain name for SEO purposes, there are three main factors to consider:

  • Branding
  • Better SEO (Are there SEO Benefits?)
  • Possible Penalties

BRANDING Is Important:

Are hyphenated domain names like going to attract more clients to my website?

To be honest, I would steer clear of these generic names! Why?…

They have absolutely no branding value and limited SEO value, so why bother with a domain name that won’t perpetuate your brand? If you chose a generic domain name that is just a regurgitation of keywords, you will have to make a client’s first visit to your site end in a sale because they won’t remember your name to come back a second time.

Brand is equated with individual identity that speaks clearly in a competitive market.
According to, it is easier to build links to branded domain names. People take these names more seriously than domains like Seeing a name like this actually makes searchers question your credibility and associate you with spam. If you were to choose such a generic domain name, you would discredit your content before a client even opens up your homepage. And if you think about the rules established by Google on SEO, the search engines will penalize you anyway for having repeated keywords without relevant context.

Even if you pay for a domain name that stacks keywords upon keywords, your money will not be met with linking results. These names can even be rejected by directory editors “on sight, because such names are often associated with low-quality content” ( The linking process comes to a standstill when directory editors do not wish to increase links for your website.

So, branded names are flawless right? Unfortunately they aren’t perfect.

Yes your brand may stand above every other brand, but if it is so extremely different that it cannot be remembered, you will have to expand your marketing budget to make your brand actually known. And that can put a real strain on your wallet. Thankfully, there is a happy medium between domains that focus on branding and domains that promote your SEO strategy. On September 12th, Matt Cutts announced:

For more information on branded domains see our article on the Farotech Blog called:

How $20 Might Revolutionize
Your Marketing Campaign

2.5 Ways Domains Can Contribute to BETTER SEO Websites

1. Make sure that the main name of your business is in your actual URL. For example, if you are a freelance writer, then a website address such as freelance-writer[dot]com will obviously be a better choice than yourname[dot]com. By doing so, you will get better SEO results from people recognizing what your business does through keywords. As more and more companies recognize the value in keywords it may be difficult to incorporate them into your name on a dot com site. So why limit yourself? Try other options such as .net, biz, .info, .co, or even .uk.

2. Keywords on keywords on keywords are not the way to go. Avoid words like ‘cheap’, ‘free’ and ‘sale’, especially when used in combination with other keywords. Do you want to make your website look like spam or a credible and reliable? Even though this seems to somewhat contradict point number 1, the balance is so crucial. Additionally, don’t forget the fact that longer names are more difficult to remember.

2.5 Do not forget to brand your website. But, make sure you find a happy medium between a domain name that is overly generic or overly branded. To achieve this, put a keyword in your domain, but be sure not to use too many and keep it short and true to your unique brand. How can you make your site unique? That’s easy! Incorporate a geographical indicator in your name to bring your brand and keywords to life.

Domain names are not all bound to the traditional ideas of SEO and keywords. The process has become more complex and doesn’t simply involve choosing keywords that relate to your website, but keywords that will be remembered through branding. However, if you already have an established URL, don’t fret! You can still accomplish quality Google on SEO results through backlinking and using social media to your advantage. Just remember that sites like and don’t tell you anything about what they actually do….and they’re doing pretty well!

These are not the only 2.5 reasons why your SEO will benefit… but it is a good start.

POSSIBLE PENALTIES: Test a Domain Name for Penalties Before Buying It

  • Ensure that the site won’t block GoogleBot in its robot.txt file
  • See if Google will index a link of a trusted site if you link it to your domain
  • According to, within a couple weeks (at most a month) Google should list the site when you search for it in Google using site:

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Why Web Marketing Companies Know that Facebook Is Important

Understanding the Statistics About Why Businesses Succeed on Facebook

As we all know, Facebook is for everyone. It is the world’s largest social networking site, where billions of individuals are actively engaging in conversation each day. However, because of its constant traffic and its nature as a communication hub, it is also a place to do business. In fact, Facebook is now becoming a major player in many companies’ marketing campaigns and any good web marketing company will tell you that it is an essential piece to your marketing strategy.

Why Facebook Is Your Marketing Dream Come True

Below are some of the important points to learn about Facebook as it relates to using it for marketing purposes:

  • Over 50% of Facebook’s monthly active users are accessing the site through a mobile platform. In fact, these users tend to be twice as active and are often more responsive to marketing!
  • The average time per visit by a Facebook user is 20 minutes
  • 81% of Facebook users are outside the US and Canada
  • More than half of all users have 100 friends or more and the average number of friends is about 130. The potential for exponential growth in your branding is the reason why search engine marketing firms will tell you that Facebook must be a priority.
  • 235 million people play games regularly and Facebook announcement recently that it will be allowing ads on game apps

Of 400 small to medium sized businesses, 73% said they are currently using Facebook. Statistics show that more small businesses are looking at also add sites like Pinterest and Instagram. Plus, business are now doing more on Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. As for the original social networking giant, Facebook, any good search engine marketing firm has already integrated it into their clients’ marketing plans. In the future, companies will want to see more advanced marketing options for the Facebook platform.



The post Why Web Marketing Companies Know that Facebook Is Important appeared first on Farotech.


The Growth of Google Makes Headlines Again: Google+ Reaches 500 Mil

If you’re not a member, for search marketing’s sake, sign up!

Google+ hits another milestone by crossing 500 million+ total users and 135 million active users. In September, Google+ reported about 400 million total users. Google predicted the network had the potential to reach around 450-500 million users by the end of the 2012 year and they were indeed correct!

Google+ Growth Chart

Google+ has reached, and surpassed, the growth of Facebook exponentially! (as of June 2011). This growth rate is significant since Facebook didn’t pass 60 million members until nearly four years after its debut. At the time, company executives were expecting Google+ would reach about 400 million users by the end of 2012. Now they have exceeded their expectations as both personal and professional interest in Google+ are on the rise. Not only is this platform being used by individuals for social purposes, but companies are taking advantage of Google+ for seo business optimization.

Google+ vs. Facebook

During an earnings call, company executives will be as positive as possible about the growth of google and its products, especially Google+. One thing to note though is that the only people who have aggressively compared Google+ to Facebook are members of the press. Since its launch, Google has never once inferred that Google+ was a social networking site that relied on a standalone web product. In fact, unlike Facebook, Google’s platform has offered a boost for companies’ seo business optimization from the very beginning. When it comes to marketing priorities like social networking, branding yourself online and developing SEO, Google+ is the perfect central hub for accomplishing these goals.

Google+ launched as beta in June 2011, and despite a slow start has accelerated well beyond the growth of Facebook, Twitter or MySpace combined! We wish more success in months and years to come! Congratulations Google+. Well played!

My “crackpot” prediction: Google+ and Facebook will become allies and we will see the largest social network platform emerge…called “Googlebook”!



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5 Things Spock Would Tell You About Video SEO Marketing

Spock Wants Your SEO to be Out of This World

Video Marketing SEOVulcans are sometimes criticized for being overly logical, unemotional, and even frustrating. Remind you of any marketing videos you’ve seen lately? However, for all the Vulcan-ish videos out there, some do stand above the rest. Let’s call these the “Spocks” of video marketing.

If you think about it logically, Spock is more than a Vulcan, he’s a soldier, ambassador and scientist. He also has a certain savoir faire. Now if the all-knowing Spock were here, he’d say that in order to leverage your business and web presence, you need to know and practice video SEO marketing strategies.

Mind-Meld Into Video Marketing Genius

Maximizing the use of strategic SEO video marketing can boost your online rankings and increase your viewership. Propel your marketing videos to boldly go where no video has gone before by following these five video marketing tips:

  1. Researching keywords is, well … logical – and a good starting point. Whether you are proficient in search engine optimization or are just beginning, it’s always a good idea to do your homework. One of the best ways to include SEO for purposes of video marketing is by Googling keywords relevant to your topic. If the search words yield prolific results, you’re onto something. If you’d like a more targeted approach, you can use HubSpot’s Keyword App to pinpoint prized SEO keywords. Or, consider the next best thing to Spock-level intelligence by calling upon the technical prowess of human experts at Farotech who specialize in video marketing SEO.
  2. Adding SEO in descriptions will allow your video to live long and prosper – titles, descriptions, captions and thumbnails are areas in which you should take advantage of SEO. Strive to keep it natural; shoving a bunch of keywords together for the sake of boosting SEO is as annoying to viewers as Tribbles were to the Enterprise.
  3. Make your Prime Directive consistent to viewers – what does being consistent have to do with SEO? The more clear your video topic and messaging, the more precise the SEO will be. Consistency across the board will help search engines identify and place your video in a higher ranking category. Continuity also reflects professionalism.
  4. For the love of Vulcan, make your video content fascinating – you may have well-researched SEO all the day long, but if the content of what you’re offering your target audience is too long, boring or irrelevant, you might elicit the wrath of your viewership. Do something creative, inspiring or innovative with your video and SEO, and you may go viral!
  5. Onsite and offsite SEO. Curious. – Much talk of SEO involves embedding keywords and links internally within a website. This can be accomplished through a sitemap, web copy, blogs, and videos. Offsite SEO, however, is a steadily-rising rankings jackpot. Static landing pages, as well as other websites and blogs outside of your website can boost your marketing exposure and rankings.

Spock Wants Your SEO to be Out of This World

Do you feel as empowered to do video SEO marketing as a newly-pinned Starfleet officer heading out for a first mission? If you don’t, it’s okay. Farotech has all the resources you need to accomplish high-ranking video SEO marketing that will have your competitors impressed, viewers in awe, and would surely make the Vulcan of all Vulcans proud.

Call us today at 267-387-6620 to help get started on your video marketing and video marketing SEO.

The post 5 Things Spock Would Tell You About Video SEO Marketing appeared first on Farotech.


Tuesday 30 January 2018

A Spoonful of Sugar Helps Video Marketing…In the Most Delightful Ways!

Add a Little Magic to your Small Business’s Video Marketing

Small Business Video MarketingA spoonful of sugar and small business marketing – really? Well, if it works for Mary Poppins, it should work for us.

For the cynics, let’s extrapolate. One teaspoon of sugar yields 16 calories. Those calories provide at least enough brainpower to devise an interesting angle for a small business video.

In all sincerity, it doesn’t take extreme measures, deep thinking, a cheeky nanny, or significant quantities of sugar to achieve successful and captivating small business video marketing. All you need to do is take is a few tips from the experts (and, since we’re the experts, we’re here to help!).

How Small Business Video Marketing Can Be a Snap

We wish that all it takes is a snap of the fingers or access to a magic carpet bag to materialize small business marketing genius. Since this is real life, here are some solid tips instead. Follow them and you’ll have customers and clients eating out of your hands:

  1. Know your story – when contemplating how to make a video for your small business, it’s easy to lose focus. You may find yourself more obsessed with the idea of the video and all its bells and whistles rather than sticking to your story. Is this video selling a product or service? Or is it about your achievement in customer service? Remember why you’re making the video and stick to your story – one story – not an anthology.
  2. Make your story authentic – you are a small business that specializes in something amazing, valuable, and personal. Show that. Put real people doing real work in front of the camera. Unless you’re animating, in which case you should emulate animated videos with pep and pizzazz – like Gradeleap’s short explainer video.
  3. Invest in affordable video editing – CyberLink Power Director, Wondershare Filmora, Adobe Premier Elements, Pinnacle Studio and Corel VideoStudio are all recommended video-editing software programs that vary in complexity, but will add a polished and professional feel to your videos – and they’re all under $100.
  4. Vary video angles – you own or participate in a small business, not a YouTube diary. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have testimonials from management or customers. What I am suggesting is that you include motion shots, wide shots and close ups to help break up visual stagnation and make the video more visually appealing.
  5. Keep it short – they say goldfish have a three-second attention span. Many adults have even less. You will rarely find a video over 2 minutes. Keep it closer to 1 minute if you can.
  6. Unexpected explainer videos – “how to” and “explainer” videos have long been popular for businesses both small and large. The reason? We’re always interested in learning something new – a new recipe, craft, project or video creation ideas. Teach or explain something to your audience, but do it in a fun, even humorous way. My personal favorite: GEICO’s “Raccookin,” in which a raccoon gives instructions on dumpster-oriented recipes.
  7. Make it memorable – the videos that go viral are memorable. Think about “Squatty Potty.” If you haven’t seen it, watch it now. If you have seen it, you surely haven’t forgotten the rainbow-colored unicorn droppings.

Add a Little Magic to Small Business Video Marketing

Here is your bonus tip:

Hire a Farotech expert – we don’t have a whimsical British nanny on staff, but we have something better: professional and experienced videographers.

For more on how to make your small business video marketing magical, memorable and successful, we’d love to help. Contact us today to get started. Call us 267.387.6620 or drop a line:

The post A Spoonful of Sugar Helps Video Marketing…In the Most Delightful Ways! appeared first on Farotech.


4 Essentials Every Good Homepage Must Include

Your business’ website is one of your most valuable assets. In fact, your website may be the only impression of your business that some potential clients may have. Of course, you want to get those warm leads to become actual clients by taking the next step from visiting your website to actually contacting your business for products or services.

good_homepage-1In order to accomplish this, your website – and particularly your homepage – needs to have several key components to be successful. For a good homepage that actually converts, review these 4 important tips for optimizing your homepage for web traffic.

Tip 1: Good Content = Good Homepage

Determine the long-tail keyword that is most relevant to your business and develop your homepage content around that keyword. Don’t overwhelm your site visitors with too much text: instead, use headlines to draw attention as well as columns and bullet points to organize content. Keep your main points and all calls to action above the fold so viewers don’t need to scroll.

Tip 2: Optimization for SEO

Be sure to incorporate the ONE long-tail keyword that you chose in your main page content and value proposition. Include it also in: the meta description, your headlines, your title and even on images. Don’t waste your time by trying to optimize the homepage for more than one keyword.

Tip 3: User-Friendly Menu

Your menu (top navigation) should be branded to match the rest of your site and should look the same on every page of the site. Be sure that the menu is large enough to see clearly: a good way to test this is to step 5 feet away from your computer and see if you can still easily read the menu. Make sure your menu is descriptive so users can find what they are looking for. Include up to 8 tabs, but no more – your menu is supposed to be a helpful guide, not an overwhelming mess of content.

Tip 4: Effective Calls to Action

Remember that you have about five seconds to grab web visitors’ attention.

Good calls to action are the most critical aspect to having a good homepage that converts. Develop at least one call to action from the homepage that will take the user to a landing page where they can enter their contact information in return for more information or a special offer, etc. It is a good idea to include a 2nd and even a 3rd call to action so that you ensure that you are appealing to the majority of your visitors by emphasizing a couple of different points. Set a goal of having at least a 25% click through rate on your calls to action.

In conclusion, you will want to continuously observe analytics on your homepage and test it in order to tweak and optimize it for maximum performance. Some suggestions for testing include:

  •  Ask employees, clients or even friends of your company to take a quick look at your homepage and provide feedback.
  •  Create a survey (Survey Monkey works pretty well) to send out to customers who have actually converted while on your site. Use this as a tool to identify what made the difference for them and then focus on what you are doing right.
  •  Occasionally change the placement or wording of your calls to action to determine what converts best.

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4.5 Steps to Developing an Effective Lead Nurturing Program

This guide to establishing an effective lead nurturing program will help you systematically think through the process of building relationships with your leads.

This system will mostly be composed of a series of emails that will make up a campaign to funnel your leads through the sales cycle. An effective lead nurturing program is a marketing tool that you must be using if you want to be successful at inbound marketing. The type of strategy formed below creates credibility for your business and builds trust with your prospects.

When thinking about effective lead nurturing, you should always have the goal in mind of providing some additional value to your potential clients. This process is not only helpful for your leads, but it also enables your sales team to be more efficient; they’ll spend less time qualifying leads, and more time closing the leads that have already qualified themselves through your system. Each step builds upon the next, so be sure to complete each step in order!


1. Research & Understand Your Buying Cycle

We recommend sitting down with your sales team to go through a sort of brain storming session. Understanding where each of your offers fits into your overall buying cycle is crucial to this system. The most important step when developing your lead nurturing program is reviewing all of your current web-based offers and determining which ones fit into the top, middle and bottom of the funnel buying cycle. When performing this research, you should include your sales reps and a big pot of coffee! Be sure to carefully analyze your company’s customer data to determine which offers turn the majority of your leads into actual buying customers.

2. Develop Specific Campaign Goals

Once you’ve determine how your offers fit into campaigns, create a schedule and a goal for each campaign and each email associated with it. That way you can measure the campaign’s effectiveness with reliable tracking data. Consider creating a document containing the overall goal of each lead nurturing email that you plan to send out. (TIP: use lead nurturing campaign worksheets to map out each campaign.) Goals could include:

  • simply building relationships with top or middle of the buying cycle leads
  • moving top of the funnel leads to middle of the buying cycle
  • re-engage unqualified bottom of the buying cycle leads

3. Create Content for Each Email

Of course, your overall goal here is to move leads down the buying cycle in order to better qualify them for sales. Your email should include the following items:

  • From name
  • Reply to email
  • subject line (NOTE: This needs to be 45 characters or less and should explain, in compelling language, the reason your perspective client should open the email)
  • Email headline: first two sentences should provide some information on what is contained in the email’s content.
  • Email Body: Should be short (150 words or less) and needs to include one call to action related to the goal of the email.
  • A unique tracking URL for any links included in that email: this is important so you can later analyze your CTAs and measure the overall effectiveness of that particular email
  • Signature: make sure the “from name” signs the email (these names should match)

4. Edit/Test Your Campaigns

After you have had your emails edited and reviewed internally multiple times, double check that your links are included and that your message is clear to the recipient. It is very important that before you launch the campaign, you take the time to have people from various departments within your company actually go through the email first. Then, be receptive to feedback! Make any necessary changes to grammar mistakes, broken links or confusing language so that you don’t waste your time when you actually launch your real campaign. Once you’re all set, now it’s time to send to your actual email list of leads.

4.5 Measure, Analyze and Optimize Emails

This is the most important step in the process. Determining the campaign’s effectiveness, performance and efficiency is what helps you move forward towards an even better and more effective lead nurturing program. Start measuring as soon as statistics become available. Look at click-through rates, number of conversions on each landing page and, of course, the unsubscribe rate of each email. Edit, adjust and improve those emails that have low click-through rates or high unsubscribe rates.

Here’s what you should be looking for: when you notice a greater than 1% unsubscribe rate, its time to change the email’s content or perhaps the timing or positioning within the sales cycle. Here are some recommended adjustments that you can make to increase your campaign’s effectiveness:

  • wording of subject line
  • content within the email
  • the types of offers or “action steps” you are promoting in the email
  • timing of when you send the email (is it going out too late or on weekends?)
  • placement of the email within the sales cycle

It breaks my heart every time I see a email campaign that does everything wrong! The idea, folks, is to nurture leads into wanting to hear more about your business. Did you know that only 2% of people coming to your website for the first time are ready to buy at that moment? For growth in business, you must always be ready and inclined to make changes to your approach!

Let’s recap.

In order to effectively nurture leads we need to keep in mind these four-and-a-half steps:

1) Research & Understand Your Buying Cycle – Sit down with your sales team, and do some analysis to find what is already currently working, and what isn’t. Know where each item fits into your campaigns.

2) Develop Specific Campaign Goals – Know and develop exactly what you want to accomplish with each and every email of the campaign. This makes tracking, and capturing the most useful information concerning your campaigns much easier. It is always best to write a good story by first knowing how it ends.

3) Create Content for Each Email – Build email content with the goal of moving a potential reader further down the buying cycle, and to qualify the leads. As a general rule, be thorough, but concise. Keep it around 150 words, and make the subject line and opening sentences of the content count!

4) Edit/Test Your Campaigns – Have colleagues of all expertise levels read the content not only for grammar and spelling errors, but also for broken links, and the voice of the language. Constructive criticism is key to success!

4.5) Measure, Analyze and Optimize Emails – Track the performance of your content, and analyze the numbers. Don’t be afraid to make changes to anything that isn’t working.

Make the decision to establish a strategy for a lead nurturing program today. For more information on inbound marketing/SEO connect with Farotech on LinkedIn or Facebook!

The post 4.5 Steps to Developing an Effective Lead Nurturing Program appeared first on Farotech.


Guaranteed SEO Booster: Writing Content for Google the Right Way

Producing Quality Content Requires Wearing Many Hats

Marketing your business requires a certain level of communication skill. In addition to being able to accurately describe and efficiently promote your products and service, you have to develop an impressionable connection with your audience. And, of course, you must become an expert on following up and a master at customer service. Now add one more thing to your list of necessary communication skills: appeasing Google when you write content for the web.

It’s true. Google is a little picky about content. And if you’re writing in hopes of getting guaranteed SEO results, then you better do it the right way. In fact, proper writing techniques are some of the best search engine optimization tips we can give you. For example, you may write a great article, but if you forget to tag it correctly, you should have saved yourself the time of writing it in the first place. If you develop a killer landing page, but your keyword is repeated too often or in irrelevant context, you’ll be penalized for that. When it comes to writing for SEO, if you want to do it well, you’ll have to wear many hats!

What do I mean? Well, walk with me through the process and we’ll see just how intense this juggling act can become…

1) Put on Your Psychologist Hat

First, you’ll need to get inside the mind of your perfect prospect. When you have studied the habits, trends and preferences of your target audience, you’ll know exactly what to write. You’ll know which buzz words will peak interest and what will cause people to click through from a SERP and become an actual visitor to your site.

2) Put on Your Organizer Hat

To have a constant flow of quality content being produced by your business, you’ll need to sit down and get organized. There are some big decisions that need to be made.

  • Who is on your writing team?
  • How often will each member produce a work of original content?
  • Which mediums will you utilize (web pages, blogs, press releases, newsletters, videos, etc.) ?

We recommend creating an official schedule that will allow your team to be on the same page about what is expected and when each assignment is due. For really great content, have team members write about topics that they have expertise or special interest in. If you’re looking for a helpful search engine optimization tip, keep in mind that Google likes to see a variety of different types of content, so branch out and get familiar with all platforms available to you.

3) Put on Your Publisher Hat

It’s time to get your content out in front of lots of eyeballs. Think like a publisher. Are you proud to put your business’ name on this work? Is it professional and helpful content that will benefit your audience? (Note: that’s actually the very question that Google is asking when it reviews your content to determine results placement.) Next, its time to get that content published and make sure to utilize social media to direct as many viewers as possible towards your new material.

4) Put on Your Recycler Hat

Producing original content can be exhausting, but take comfort in the fact that much of your hard work can be put to use again and again. While Google will penalize your for content that is not at least 80% unique (no plagiarism!), there are plenty of ways to take old content and adjust, add, and reformat for reuse. Now that’s recycling at its best!



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The 4 Why’s of Video Marketing

If you’ve ever been in close proximity to a 5-year-old, you’re probably still wondering how many times such a small body can ask ‘why?’ before spontaneously combusting. (The answer? About a million. But nobody’s ever counted.) As exhausting as it can be to be on the receiving end of an endless barrage of questioning, we can all appreciate how important it is to have someone there to answer us when we do have questions. One of Farotech’s main roles is to provide the answers to all your inbound marketing questions. This week’s edition? Video Marketing!

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing simply refers to the use of videos on a company website in order to increase sales. Statistically speaking, video marketing is currently the #1 way to drive up conversion rates. Both animated and live videos are being utilized by companies of all types to portray their stories. Popular topics to cover during videos include:

  • History of company
  • Unique features of products and services
  • Types of products and services
  • Customer testimonials
  • Owner/employee interviews
  • Displaying how the company works

Why My Business

In order to create a professional video that will accomplish the marketing goal you set out to achieve, you need to ensure that every aspect of the video marketing process is handled professionally and with great care. Accomplishing this task can be overwhelming without the proper set of tools. Creating a quality video that you will want to showcase takes time, talent and energy.

Storyboards, scripts, voice-over talents, background music, artists, and filmmakers are all part of this unique and rewarding process. A new technique, which we call “StorySelling,” can help you create a unique, memorable video.

Why StorySelling?

The human senses work together powerfully to help us observe and comprehend the vast amount of information that we take in on a daily basis. That’s why the combination of sight and sound is so important in marketing strategies. Here at Farotech, we’ve designed the StorySelling process to take advantage of both sight and sound to capture the attention of your prospective customers. This helps you tell the story of your business – introduce your brand and announce your value proposition – all in video format with a real artist drawing out descriptive sketches as a professional voice reads a compelling script.

StorySelling is the new way to promote your brand, and Farotech is committed to creating memorable videos that can stand the test of time.

Why Farotech?

Farotech was founded in 2001 and has been growing and expanding its list of services since its formation. As a successful web development company, Farotech offers a wide range of inbound marketing services, web design, SEO and marketing campaigns. Based out of the Philadelphia area, Farotech serves clients from all across the United States and over a range of industry lines. Our experience with companies of various sizes has continually taught us what works and what is not so successful in the world of web development. We’ve taken this knowledge and applied it to our new service – StorySelling.

Videos drive traffic and engagement, two essential elements on the pathway to success(1). So don’t get bogged down in the questions: take action today!

The post The 4 Why’s of Video Marketing appeared first on Farotech.


How One Optimization Firm is Bringing in the New Year

Helpful Predictions From an SEO Consultant

In the search marketing field, you should never get too comfortable with just one approach, regardless of whether you are a SEO expert or a newbie. The one thing constant about website search engine optimization is the fact that methods are always changing, evolving and morphing into something new, or better. Consider all the changes within just the last 12 months in the search marketing industry. Can you imagine what’s coming in 2013? Here are my top 5.5 predictions for the new year!


1. Google+ Will Play a Bigger Role in SEO – whether you like it or not, Facebook and Twitter now have a very serious competitor. Google+ is picking up a lot of search traffic, despite a very rough start. Do not let this advantage slip thru your fingers! It’s time to start using Google Plus to bring in even more traffic to your site.

2. Video Optimization has become the second largest search egnine, which naturally makes video optimization almost mandatory for website search engine optimization! Millions, if not billions, are paying more attention to video content and Youtube has made video content attractive to be shared on social networking platforms.

3. Increased Value on Pinterest-type Sites – new, innovative ways of presenting content will explode during 2013. Popular among users and companies alike, these type of sites are highly appreciated by all major search engines and can contribute to your overall SEO on Google.

4. Businesses Will Start Investing More in Organic Search Marketing
Studies show that over 70% of clicks on SERP’s go to organic results. Sure, PPC campaigns will get you in top positions quickly, but the proof is in the numbers. It is estimated that 2013 webmasters will allocate more than +15% for organic search.

5. Press Releases Will Bring More Credibility –
All SEO trends lead to the road of press releases! These press releases can easily convert targeted traffic as well as appeal to a variety of media channels. It is easy to understand why their importance may increase when you consider that press content may bring a company more credibility and can be classified as organic content.

5.5 More Focus on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) – Have your SEO company test your CRO based on a variety of factors. Test factors can include positioning, color, font and size. Also, give your customers an incentive for signing up on your site! It breaks my heart to see websites that are not using a “signup for our newsletter – enter name and email here” technique to capture user information!

Good Luck Improving your SEO strategy & Happy New Year from the Farotech SEO Consultants!



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Monday 29 January 2018

Creating a Thank You Page that will Convert Leads

Your mama always told you to “say please and thank you.” Well we are here to tell you that taking the time to say “thank you” is actually a golden opportunity – and one that the average company often overlooks. We have worked with a number of clients that missed tremendous opportunities by putting little to no effort into their thank you pages.

A Step by Step Guide to Building Stronger Thank You Pages:

Let’s start by asking ourselves the hard questions. You have spent time, energy and money to get a lead to come to your door. They are at the top of the sales funnel, but at this point they wouldn’t even be close to being considered a qualified lead. The first thing the average visitor to your site will do is size you up. They want to know if you are legitimate. So the best way to prove your authority to them is to offer them some educational resources. Let’s just say it’s your new e-book, “How to make a million dollars in 5 hours of work.”

Are they nervous yet? YES, because in order to get that e-book they need to fill out the form on a landing page that requires their name and e-mail address. Just like you and me, we are always nervous to give our email address out (who knows, these guys might spam me from until the rapture). But your visitor really wants that e-book, so they enter their info and press the submit button and then there it is… drumroll….your not-so-impressive thank you page appears: “Thank you for requesting the e-book” That’s it? Please que the Price is Right loser jingle. dit… dit… dit… da.. da…… waaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Ok, lets run this back… the right way.

This time the potential client comes to your website and decides to download the e-book. They overcome the nervous feeling about sharing information and press the submit button, but this time….GOLD. They are taking to the thank you page that dreams are made of.

Let’s break it down:

1. They were provided with a brief description of exactly what they signed up for.

2. They are told how they will be receiving the free resource that they requested.

2. They are made aware of a follow up thank you email that is on the way.

3. The email then delivers on the promise (sends access to the ebook, confirms the free consultation, etc.)

Why is this important? Because authority begins with clear communication.

Getting your lead’s attention is hard enough as it is. But now that you have their interest, let’s use this opportunity to provide them with even more information. Delivering the one e-book they requested is a good start. However, offering them a bonus or a prize is even better. You could implement something like the following: You’re in luck! Not only did you get the e-book that you requested, but we are also giving you our new whitepaper “15 Things the Average Joe can do to be More Efficient with His Time.”

People always like to get more than what they asked for. They always like something for free and everyone likes to have their expectations exceeded. Thank You pages allow you to provide these opportunities, simply and effectively.

convert leads(2)Here is a quick list of add on’s that you should consider adding to your thank you page:

  • Provide links to other landing pages / offers / e-books
  • Click a link to see a page of statistics of your industry
  • Provide to action to an offer that is further down the sales funnel (such as a free consultation)
  • Offer the ability to follow you on Facebook, Twitter or Linked In
  • Offer a link to popular stories from your blog

When it comes to providing education resources it is a give and take relationship. As a company, you should be willing to provide free educational resources in exchange for collecting your leads’ contact information (on the form located on your landing page). But as we mentioned above, any time someone gives out their email free of charge, there is always a sense of remorse. That is exactly the feeling you need to combat on your thank you page.

It is important to re-communicate the value of what your potential client just requested. Your potentials should understand and have confidence that they are now part of an e-newsletter that is helping thousands of business owners transform their business. They are now one step closer to reaching their goals. They now have the information they need to better understand their industry.

So what did we learn here today? Understand the value of your thank you pages and take great care in developing them. It is the best door to lead qualification and market your other products / services. Accomplish this by doing the following:

– Show your authority by clearly communicating what they just signed up for and what your users should expect.

– Exceed their expectations by offering more than just the item they originally requested. 

– Remind them of the value of what they just downloaded.



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Email Marketing Solutions: The Best & Worst Times to Send an Email

No matter what new advances come along in the professional world, (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) email still holds strong as the top method of communication. However, email is not just essential for basic communication. It is also crucial for media relations and marketing campaigns.

If your livelihood (or just your day-to-day productivity) relies on emails being opened and responded to, check out the tips for email marketing solutions below. These findings should help you figure out the best times to do your marketing solutions2

A large email marketing company analyzed over 21 million cases of email correspondence by is clients during the first quarter of 2012 and this is what they found:

  • 23.63% of all emails are opened within the first 30 minutes after they are sent; that percentage drops dramatically as time goes on
  • The majority of emails are sent between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m.; the least productive hours for email interaction are from midnight to 6 a.m.
  • The “best” hours (or the hours that see the highest amount of click throughs) are 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., and then again from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

So next time you’re sending an email, remember – for maximum efficiency, the best time to send emails is when your co-workers or clients are reviewing their inboxes. Opt for morning and early afternoon hours. Hope these email marketing solutions and tips for effecient correspondence were helpful for you!

email marketing solutions1

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Google Search Engine Optimization as it Applies to Web Design (Video)

Design with Google in Mind: Three Helpful Tips for Redesigning Your Website

Is one of your business’ New Year resolutions to update your old website? For many businesses, the move to a more modern website has been a clear way to draw in new clients. The assumption is that if a business has a better website with a stunning visual user experience, new clients will flock to it. However, this is simply not true.

While many businesses focus on the visuals of site design, they end up shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to putting that site to use. After all, having a web presence is all about being found on Google. If a visually breathtaking site has not been designed with SEO in mind, the reality is that it will never be seen. To avoid losing your new site to the obscurity of Google’s second page, use these tips:

1. Have an SEO Consultant Available from Day 1

Selecting a Web Design company with an SEO department will go a long way in making sure that your site is designed with Google search engine optimization in mind. If you already have a web development firm hired, be sure to include an SEO company in the process to ensure that the design of the site will allow it to be found and ranked easily by Search Engines. When you begin to understand all that seo services firms can add to your design process, you will feel confident in making the extra investment.

2. Avoid Using Fancy Flash Graphics

Both users and search engines want to be able to access information from a website quickly, and complex flash graphics only hinder this ability. While it may look good from a design standpoint, it tends to distract users from the information available. For success in the eyes of users and search engines, it is best to have a interesting and simple design that is filled with quality content.

3. Create Quality Content

In 2012, quality content was the undisputed king of SEO, and it will continue to be so into 2013. Be sure to populate your site with quality, easy-to-read content that accurately and quickly informs your users about your products and services. Don’t assume that a stunning homepage will be your ticket to success. If a tree looks healthy, it is because it has a solid roots system. Quality content is your site’s root system, and the more of it there is, the stronger and healthier your site will appear to both Google and your users. If you have a hard time developing good content in-house, remember that seo services firms are available to help with this job as well.

Keeping these tips in mind, your new site can truly be the hot-spot for generating clients that you always wanted it to be. Happy New Year as you accomplish your business’ resolutions!



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Key Components of Search Engine Optimization Marketing

So, What Is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, can be a confusing endeavor for those new to the market. Working in the field myself, I have always found it interesting that when you ask about the best ways to do SEO, you are very likely to get the same number of diverse responses as the number of people you asked. Whether that is because there is just that much confusion about how to properly do SEO or that each self-proclaimed guru out there seems to have their own thoughts on what exactly a site needs to rank well, it can just be very confusing nonetheless. (By the way, you would probably tend to get the same diversity of results if you asked what method or tool is best to use for getting research and implementation done for clients’ websites.)

From the Source

I find myself to be someone who likes to go right to the source to find the accurate information on a topic. And when dealing with search engine optimization marketing, there is truly only one word that counts: “Google.” If you ask anyone how they have been finding things online for the past decade, the answer is not Dogpile, Excite, WebCrawler or even Bing. There is only one giant in the market of search and in order rank well on their search engine, cooperating with them and understanding the algorithms is key to successful SEO in Google.

What Does Google Want?

Plain and simple, they want to give the user the most appropriate, quality content for their search terminology. So, if you want to rank high on Google, that is where you must start! If you don’t have unique and quality content on your site, you are going to have to resort to all types of work-arounds to get the job done rather than simply adding quality content (or “quantent” as we call it at Farotech) to your site. This also means you will have to be on the lookout for duplicate content because every page should be 80% unique when compared to sites in general, but especially on your own domain.

The next component would be the On-Page SEO pieces that are only seen in the coding of the site and do not appear on what the user would see when interacting with your website. This information is specifically for the search engines to use while indexing your site for the appropriate search terms. These components are the Title Tags, Meta Description and Meta Keywords (sometimes referred to as Focus Keywords). These should mirror the terms for which you want to be found in results, but keep in mind that most tools will let you know the limits on these. If you are using WordPress, there are many solid SEO implementation tools that plugin very easily and keep you informed on the strength of your words per page allotted. Be sure to make use of these optimization tools! Some safe limits to keep in mind:

  • 70 characters for the Title Bar

  • 160 for the Meta Description
  • To be safe, it never hurts to stay slightly below these to avoid any major changes interfering with your website optimization

Lastly, for purposes of adding weight to your site as an authorized source, you should incorporate backlinking. Since the most recent of major updates by Google, backlinking has come under great scrutiny. Your backlinks should be in your niche (if you have a dental web site, then links should come from other healthcare sites or perhaps doctor review sites). Having a mix of follow and no-follow links is a solid strategy to show a well balanced mix from authoritative sources (any SEO backlinking tool worth its weight can show you if your backlinks are follow or no-follow). Avoid the idea of link farming or exchanging links. You want the highest quality sources pointing to you, but not back to them, which negates the link power (or juice).

Who Has Time for All That?

As a business owner, you may have read through all that thinking, “…and I fit that where in my day?!?” Simply stated, that is why there are so many “internet marketing companies” available. The most important step for any business owner who is serious about growing their business in the online community is finding the right company to work with. You should find a company that will give you a free analysis and that has a guarantee of their results, or you don’t pay. Many companies are now pushing toward long-term contracts, which require you to sign up for two years at a “special rate.” This should be a warning sign. Farotech is here to support your desire to grow your business in the ever-growing online community and we are SEO experts. We are a Philadelphia SEO company that works with clients both locally and nationally to establish and increase your web presence.



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3 Important Lessons for Smartphone Internet Marketing

Utilizing it’s Unique Limitations- the Smartphone as a Digital Springboard

It is clear to see that smartphone technology is here to stay. But while these devices offer quick solutions for many daily tasks, they can be frustrating to use. A big limitation is size. People simply can’t use a mobile phone to do any serious web research, word processing, or any other major task because of the size of both the screen and the keypad. This seems to throw a wrench into web design and usability as designers must strip a site’s content to a bare minimum for for it to be smartphone friendly. So how should internet marketing companies direct their strategy marketing approach when it comes to smartphones?

Well, the trending tendency for smartphone usage does not have to be stifled by its limitation. According to a study conducted by Google, Ipsos, and Sterling Brands, of all the various devices people are frequenting, smartphones are used in the shortest bursts. However, these bursts (approximately 17 minutes on average) occur in the greatest frequency. Additionally, this study found that of any device, the smartphone is widely used as a springboard for other devices, which makes smartphone marketing all the more important. They cited examples of people searching for a movie or a website on their smartphone and then turning to their pc or laptop to watch it or experience the full site. And herein lies the key to a successful interactive marketing plan that encompasses the full spectrum of devices – starting with smartphone internet marketing.

Ultimately, this study has the following applications internet marketing companies and the way they do web design and content writing:

  • Content and design should be simple enough to catch interest on a smartphone
  •  Content and design should be complicated enough to hold interest on a larger screen device (pc, laptop, etc.)
  • The simplicity and complexity should be integrated so that a user will be drawn further into experiencing a site (from their smartphone first, to their larger device later)

Rumor has it that Google will be further integrating the ability for users to continue searches started on smartphones after they have already begun on larger devices. If you are looking to draw people to your site through the use of their smart phones, consider thinking of your marketing strategy in this way:

Give them a good preview that will entice them to later return to the site on a larger device.

For further information:



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SEO Help: The DO’s and The DON’Ts

Every business owner knows that in this age of internet dependency and virtual shopping, consumers are utilizing online search engines more than ever to find products and services. Internet marketing has to be a priority for every company’s promotional strategy and SEO with Google must be a vital component of any efficient marketing plan. When your website is optimized for Google, Bing and Yahoo!, you are far more likely to be found by potential customers and clients.

So, let’s talk about some search optimization techniques. These three SEO tips will help you get started on the road to having a successful brand on the web. If you have been wondering how to get leads using optimization marketing, then these tips are for you!

1. Do Promote Your Website

Don’t Be Lazy

You may have spent a pretty penny on having a beautiful website built for your business. And that’s good. But your internet marketing strategy can’t stop there. What good is a beautiful, informative and user-friendly website if no one lands there in the first place? If your website has been a little lonely (low web traffic), then it’s time to get serious about your website marketing plan.

The accessibility of a website depends on the steps you take to get your site ranked with the major search engines. We recommend contacting a local, reputable SEO firms from your area, such as Farotech Inc. to help you establish a plan for optimization marketing.

2. Do Develop Quality Website Content

Don’t Be a Copy Cat

Did you know that Google loves quality, original content? The more you can fill your site with uniquely developed and informative text, the more the search engines will recognize it as a useful resource for searchers. For this reason, it is essential to be well-informed about which keywords are best for your business so that you can optimize content to meet the criteria of doing SEO with Google.

Unique article writing, in-house blogging and general quality writing work will go a long way to achieve high site ranking for your business. One of the most important things to remember is that search engines will penalize you for have repeat content. In other words, you cannot simply copy and paste from a competitor’s site and call it a day! In fact, you can’t even copy, change a few words and publish. Google requires your content to be at least 80% different from other sites.

3. Do Focus on Local SEO

Don’t Forget Your Neighbors

One of the most effective SEO strategies is the use of local SEO to target the audience right in your own town or local area. Optimizing your site for search engines is a great marketing strategy, but you also need to be sure that you are targeting the right audience. Don’t spend an exorbitant amount of time or money getting your site ranked for expensive, broad, high competition keywords if your business provides a service only in a local region. In that case, it may be best to focus most of your energy on website optimization for local reach. Quality SEO firms from your area can assist you in setting up a local campaign.

Local SEO allows you to be found in Google local listings and the ROI for this sort of strategy is impressive. Think of Google local as the modern day phone book. Potential clients in your area are searching this virtual “phone book” of local listings to find YOUR business. Are you listed there?



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Friday 26 January 2018

Improve Your Website Conversion Rates With These 7 Simple Steps

Your websites success as a whole depends on conversation rates. Conversion rates are simply the number of desired actions by consumers divided by the number of visits. You want your customers to feel inclined to act when they get to your website, rather than simply casually clicking through your content. This conversation can include anything… from commenting on your blog to making a purchase. So, treat your website as if each point of entry leads down a clear path to some form of conversion. Following these easy steps will help you to build your own stepping stones toward more productive conversation rates.

Step 1: Create the path the conversion point
Don’t leave gaps. A search engine could potentially lead customers to any page on your website so make sure that each page acts independently and links to an action.

Step 2: Build alternate routes to the conversation point
Not every visitor is the same. Some may want to read more about your products before making a purchase. Others will want to see testimonials. There will even be some who will be ready to buy on the spot. Cater to your visitors needs so they will be directed to conversation down the path they choose.

Step 3: Walk the path yourself
Step into the shoes of the visitor and try to find as many different paths as you possibly can. Identify where there are missing or broken parts of your paths.

Step 4: Path repairs
Once you have identified where the problems are the solution is simple. Fix them. Test out different versions with the help of analytics that will find problem areas.

Step 5: Promote Efficiency
The key here is fluidity. Don’t use any more or less steps than you need.

Step 6: Be Innovative
When you have built, tested, and improved your preliminary paths start to build more. These paths can help accommodate the visitors that aren’t directly in your target audience. This may generate the higher conversation rates you need for extra sales.

Step 7: Test Test and Test again
Never stop looking for ways to improve your conversation rates. But remember, you want to be improving not cluttering. Hone your paths down to successful conversation points and always keep your audience in mind.



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The Best Web Design PA Has to Offer: Getting Your Site Noticed

Increasing visitor numbers to your company’s website can prove to be a challenge when you don’t know which tools to use or how to use them. Great web design combined with strategic marketing will insure your site starts getting noticed. Understanding that your website needs to be superb is the first step, finding the team to make that need a reality is the next step and is a very important one. If you want the best web design PA has to offer, check out Farotech!

Why Farotech?

The web design team at Farotech is a group of knowledgeable and experienced experts who are leaders in web design in PA. We know what it takes to get our clients’ websites noticed. The approach to great web design that we use is twofold. Combining incredible art with usability allows our web designs to make your website an effective marketing tool for your company.


The Best Web Design PA Can Offer

When looking to hire a designer, you’ll want to find a company that offers a customized solution for each of its clients when it comes to web design. They should understand the importance of every detail of the design process. Within that process, they need to thoroughly consider color combinations, graphics, and organization/layout to create a site that is the most aesthetically pleasing. But all of this must be done without sacrificing usability. Your new site should use colors that work with your branding (if it is already established) or help you decide on branding particulars using conversion statistics.

At Farotech we also understand that your website, no matter how beautiful to the eye, will not hold a visitor’s attention unless it is easy to use. While we design, we consider your clientele’s needs and try to think how they would be thinking when visiting your site. We go above and beyond aesthetics, making sure to design a site that is easy to understand, easy to navigate and equipped to handle all your visitor’s needs for the long-haul. The web design PA team at Farotech will develop the ultimate user friendly site, which will ensure that its visitors enjoy their experience, find what they are looking for, associate positive feelings with your company and most importantly… convert into buying customers!.

For the best web design PA can offer, give Farotech a call. Our team is dedicated to each of our clients’ particular needs and we make it a priority to understand the goals and visions of our clients before even beginning work on a website design. In addition, once your incredible website is designed and ready to roll, we can provide the marketing plans your company needs to really promote that site and get you ranked with the major search engines. From SEO work to branding help, our staff will help insure your company and its site don’t fade into the background…all at a price you can afford.



The post The Best Web Design PA Has to Offer: Getting Your Site Noticed appeared first on Farotech.


5.5 Suggestions for Domain Names & SEO Management

How $20 might revolutionize your existing marketing campaigns

There is a popular Tuxedo company located in Havertown, PA called Iacobucci Tuxedos.  They are famous for offering fantastic formal wear, affordable prices, excellent customer service and those factors together, truly make them a great business.

In 195 when Iacobucci was established, color TV’s weren’t even in existence. So the thought that one day there would be something called a computer and on that computer there were be something called the internet was all just totally inconceivable. Even more so, though, was the thought that on that internet, your company name would need to be web-friendly or you would lose business. Talk of rankings on Google would have been a different language for them and hiring a web development company to get them ranked for a number of misspellings of their name would be beyond their imagination.

The challenge of this particular business is that they just happen to have a family name as their company name. And their family name is hard enough to say, let alone to spell.  However, because they were not thinking much about their internet marketing strategy, when it came time to buy a domain name, they went with:

At least the domain name included the word “tux.” However, they must overcome the challenge of their complicated name. As an added complication, Iacobucci Formal used to advertise on the radio. Not only did they have a lackluster commercial, their radio add required you to have a pen and paper ready to take down their phone number. Additionally, if someone were to hear Iacobucci spoken, there would be various different ways they could attempt to make sense of it phonetically.

It a case like this, I would recommend having multiple domain names. With this simple website optimisation tip, a company could benefit from spending $10 a piece for a few extra domain names and get a some pointing to their website that are more friendly to radio and internet advertising.

Also, because of having the word “tuxedos” in the domain name,  the company may get some extra link juice from our friends at Google, Yahoo and Bing.

5.5  Suggestions for buying a domain name

1. Don’t be afraid of long domain names IF they help build your brand and website optimisation

  • People think typing a domain name will be cumbersome to the the user, but with cache, autocomplete and suggested search, 7 times out of 10 users will only have to type it in once.

2. Be weary of having a domain name that is hard to spell

  • You want to draw traffic to your site and the last thing you need is for simple spelling mistakes to be a barrier to your success in web marketing.

3. It is ok to have more than one domain name

  • You can perform different marketing campaigns for each domain name and each of these domain names can point to the same website, so its a win-win situation.

4.  If there is another company that has the domain you want and they are a .com … you should think it through.

  • If they are well established competitor in your industry and you create an identical .NET, you have made a big mistake. The average user tends to automatically type .com and when they do that, they will unknowingly go to your competitor ‘s website and now you are literally advertising for them!

5.  The large majority of acronym domain names are gone

  • Unless your company is known more for the acronym, than I would suggest utilizing the actual name of your company rather than an acronym.  Prices for such domain names can be excessive and the likelihood that they will be available is low.

5.5  Take your domain name seriously

  • Other than your company name, there is no bigger branding decision than your domain name. So, make it count. The old adage: “your name is your address” has never been more true than now.


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